Monday, December 24, 2007

Loose Tie

fingers on her bare shoulders smoothing her arms down to her sides. the little curls on either side of her face, damp with perspiration. stepping in front of her, her mouth half-open in expectation. loosening my tie as she watches, breathes. tasting her lips. her want.

catching her wrists behind her, tying her hands in the silken banner, soft but controlling. pressing myself to her back, wrapping, crossing my arms around her, cupping her hips, her sides. filling her hands with my desire. cupping her ribs, her breasts, crushing her to me in my desire. cupping her shoulders, pressing my cheek to her neck. withdrawing, ruefully, from her grip.

lowering her zipper, short, elegant. peeling the satin bodice forward and away. releasing her strapless bra. pausing a moment in appreciation. wanting.

veil-covered taffeta draped from her hips. hands running over it. hand behind her neck supporting her thrown-back head, upswept hair against my hand. lips on her throat.

armfuls of skirt swooped up from the floor. ivory stockings and garters and skin. cool here. hot there. damp.

pressing gently with a firm hard hand. controlling. then - a feather touch, inviting. muted by her satin panties, too fine to rip from her body.

behind her - not close enough to touch. watching her listen to my belt snaking through its loops. her shoulders rising. doubled. her back arches obediently. good girl. lightly, harder, hard. dropping her skirt.

at her side, shoulder in my hand. belt wrapped, shortened, a light leather tongue. fear and trust in her eyes, in her shallow breaths. a slap, not even a sting. tummy, ribs. rising. thrown over her shoulder, trailed down between her breasts. sliding. safe.

dress jettisoned from her hips. a finger trailing down the front of her thigh, wavering in my need.

rising out of a pool of oyster-shell, the birth of Venus. bending her head to my waist, suffused with desire. slaps on her shoulders, back. stings where her arms, squeezed upward, lie plumped against her back. a little snap, a taste of bite.

pressing my head flat on her back, listening. her breast dropping into my hand. capturing her completely. holding her.

straightening. whispering. a sharp intake of breath. the wool of my jacket scratches her bare skin. little licks from knee to hip. the belt breaks over her garter, snapping into the hollow of her hip. sensitive - and yet...

lifting her from the fountain of her gown. straight up, bound, unbalanced, frightened, secure. set down before my waiting mouth.

panties crumpled into a rope down at her stocking-tops. a proper spanking. and then another. the belt again. each stripe earns two more for the time it makes me wait to have her. endless. my ache fathomless.

on her back. on the bed. bottom threaded through her arms, arms behind her knees. hands in my hand. her climax elusive, my mouth inviting. come to me.

at last. her ankles slip past her wrists, her wrists slip over my head. we join, I raise her. she completes me.

a towel. shared quickly. the party awaits.

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